Programme based on research from the
University of Cambridge (school year 2022-2023)
Sumer is in the National Curriculum (KS2 history):
tick it off your list with Marie!
What is the programme "Travel to Ancient Sumer"?
6 workshops on 6 topics to cover Sumerians' great achievements and a Q&A session.
Developed and delivered by an expert in Mesopotamian studies (Affiliated to the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research - Cambridge)
Focuses not only on what we know but also on how we know about Ancient Sumer
All material was developed in partnership with the University of Cambridge.
See our workshops below, complementary readings to use in class, activities for children and more resources for teachers on the University of Cambridge website
Cost for a single workshop:
✓ Short ones (40 to 50 min.): £50 in-person, £25 online;
✓ Long ones (2 hours or full morning or afternoon): £75 in-person, £50 online
Packages with reduction:
✓ 4-workshops: 5% reduction on total price;
✓ 5-workshops: 10% reduction on total price;
✓ 6-workshops: 15% reduction on total price plus free Q&A session.
Please, check our town-list before booking a workshop in person! 🙂
The work of Marie was really fantastic with children, she succeeded to interest them in a new culture, a new way to think and in a new discipline (archaeology). The interactions and interrogations from the children were really interesting and she could answer to every questions. It was a really good experience for everyone! (Clara, School Teacher)
Our six workshops:
All KS2 levels; Short workshops: 40-50 min.: £50 in-person, £25 online; Long workshops: full morning or afternoon: £75 in-person, £50 online.
Tous nos ateliers sont également disponibles en français.
Our most popular workshops
Like an archaeologist!
Marie brings to your class pottery sherds dating from the III millennium BC, so that children understand by themselves the job of archaeologists and how the simplest (broken) objects give clues to reconstruct the past.
Session for all levels; in-person only.
Full afternoon or morning session: £75.
Egalement disponible en français
Reading cuneiform!
Cuneiform writing is like deciphering a code for children! And they love it! They read an authentic cuneiform inscription and discover a (very) uncommon language.
Session for Year 5-6+; possible in Year 4; in-person or online.
Full afternoon or morning session (for an immersion into cuneiform writing and Sumerian): £75.
Egalement disponible en français
Q&A sessions
Questions from the children are endless! As a specialist of the period, Marie has answers to (almost) all questions. She can also bring some materials, look up for pictures, if she has the questions in advance. Those sessions also are opportunities to tell the children more about the job of archaeologist and historian.
Sessions for all KS2 levels; in-person or online;
£50 in-person; £25 on-line
Egalement disponible en français
What do teachers say about "Travel to Ancient Sumer" programme?
In the fourth and third millennia BC, a fascinating civilisation flourished on the bank of the Euphrates... SUMER
Sumer is in the National Curriculum: tick it off your list with Marie!
How does is work?
✓ Sessions are delivered by Marie, who comes to your class or offers online/distance learning
✓ The programme is flexible: you are free to take the number of sessions you whish and to choose which one(s) best match(es) your own teaching programme.
→ For instance opt for one session only, as a complement to your own teaching program, or for six sessions to get a complete overview of Sumer.
Our activities are:
✓ Original and accurate
A great range of authentic and original sources made accessible to children: series of questions and a step-by-step approach guide the children through texts, archaeological plans, maps, reliefs and statues in a way that enables children to come up with their own interpretations.
✓ Imaginative and fun
Hands-on activities specially designed to be attractive to children, capturing their attention and interest.
✓ Diversified
Different formats from one lesson to another to keep children engaged from one session to another.
✓ Flexible
Activities suitable for all ages of KS2, years 3 to 6
All four sessions can be adapted to your school's specific needs and interests.
All Sumer in ready-made sessions
Marie has excellent knowledge of her subject areas and provided fun engaging practical activities to aid their learning. Our class thoroughly enjoyed having her and the time to ask their own questions to find out more information (Ms White - Spinney Primary school)
All activities are successful with children aged 7 to 11
"Sumer is super!"
"My daughter talked about Sumer the whole week"
"It's much fun"
Designed sessions to match the aims of the National Curriculum:
✓ give children historical perspective
✓ make children understand historical concepts such as continuity and change, cause and consequence
✓ get children to use real historical sources
✓ lead children through methods of historical enquiry
✓ get children to put into practice multiple subject skills (notions of geography, principles of architecture and geometry, use of a great range of new words)
"The Sumer program is a great way to engage young pupils with ancient history" (Paul - school teacher)
"I wanted my pupils (Year 4) to be immersed in Sumer for a few weeks and talked to Marie about how we could link the topic to grammar sessions, and she wrote the most amazing text to accompany the lessons"
(Amélie, French bilingual school "Les Petits Caméléons")
Who is Marie?
✓ Dr in Mesopotamian studies
✓ Affiliated Fellow to the McDonald Institute (Department of archaeology, University of Cambridge)
✓ Creator of a teaching board game about Babylon (funded by the University of Cambridge)
✓ Experienced with children: teacher at "Les Petits Caméléons"
✓ Active participant in outreach events with children and families (Cambridge Festival of Ideas and Science Festival)
The work of Marie was really fantastic with children, she succeeded to interest them in a new culture, a new way to think and in a new discipline (archaeology). The interactions and interrogations from the children were really interesting and she could answer to every questions.
It was a really good experience for everyone ! (Clara, School Teacher)
Marie is so passionate about her subject that all the children were hooked within a few minutes (Amélie, French school Les Petits Caméléons)